Description: With magic you can cast spells of various forms in Planeshift.
General information:
- Currently the game offers about 90 spells and 55 glyphs.
- Only training is needed to rank up your magic level.
- Each way has a different focus and mental stat with different glyphs and spells.
- You can cast spells on dummies for training.
- Casting spells give differnt amounts of XP.
- Casting spells may be faster than gem enchanting!
- Casting spells give less XP the higher your realm is in that way.
- This also applies, if you boost your level to the next realm with magical items.
- The higher you get the faster you cast a spell.
- Thus, in the levels before a new realm, you train the fastest.
Way Master:
- you have one mastery way. in this way you get the mastery staff, robe and bracers
- the two ways next to them are the supporting ways. in this ways you can get the mastery staff
- the ways next to the supporting ways are the nutreal ways.
- the way on the other side is the opposing way
- of course you can cast all the spells of all ways
- but this is the history to the ways
- and you may not get all the glyphs (but if you trade or have money you can again)
- to see what ways are next to the way you want to master, open the spellbook and look at it as a circle
Way Training:
- apprentice wand to start, then the bracers and then a robe, after the Apprentice items you go for Adept
- the apprentice items get changed for Adept ones and so on
- Apprentice, Adept, Master ,the 3 grades of the need to be at different magic levels to progress
- you can be apprentice in all ways and adept,but only a master in one way,don't do master quests in any other way if you want to be a cw master..
- all the items give boosts for that way if you equip them
Spell Power:
- there is a scrollbar named "spell power" at your information window
- if you put it to 100 you do stronger spells
- but maybe they cost more mana
- if its 0 the enemies avoid the spell more often
- if its 0 you do not fail, if its 100 you fail to cast the spell very often
- for training 0 is better, cause you dont fail and get always xp in the way
- you can drink tea (maybe also other stuff) that gives you a boost
- at 300q they boost + 17
- at 300y they boost you 10 min
- snowbud tea = + 17 BLW for 10 min
- wyn tea = + 17 CW