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Enchanted Golden Shield Kit

Ingredient Use Tool Amount Result Skill Level Book
1 Golden Shield Kit (C) +
1 Standard Gem Socket (C)
Smith Table (combine) 1 Enchanted Golden Shield Kit (i) Shield Making 200 Enchanting Heavy Shields
1 Small Round Shield Shape (C) +
1 Gold Shield Handle (C) +
1 Gold Circle (C) +
2 Gold Band (C) +
1 Small Wooden Shield Core +
1 Gold Edgings (C)
Smith Table (combine) 1 Golden Shield Kit (i) Shield Making 200 Enchanting Heavy Shields +
Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
4 Heated Steel Ingot (C) Anvil + Hammer 1 Small Round Shield Shape (i) Shield Making <23 Catalog of Light Shields +
Catalog of Medium Shields +
Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
1 Steel Ingot (C) Forge 1 Heated Steel Ingot (i) Metallurgy 5 Working with Rare Stock +
Working with Stock
Steel Ingot (P)
1 Molten Steel (C) Stock Casting 1 Steel Ingot (P) Metallurgy 5 Working with Stock
1 Coal Sludge (C) Furnace 1 Molten Steel (i) Metallurgy 5 Working with Stock
8 Iron Ore +
2 Coal Lump
Stock Casting (combine) 10 Coal Sludge (i) Metallurgy 5 Working with Stock
1 Steel Sludge (C) Furnace 1 Molten Steel (i) Metallurgy 5 Working with Stock
9 Iron Ore +
1 Coal Lump
Stock Casting (combine) 10 Steel Sludge (i) Metallurgy 5 Working with Stock
1 Heated Gold Shield Handle (C) Anvil + Hammer 1 Gold Shield Handle (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Shield Handle': no recipe found!
12 Heated Gold Ingot (C) Anvil + Hammer 6 Gold Shield Handle (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Ingot': no recipe found!
1 Heated Gold Circle (C) Anvil + Hammer 1 Gold Circle (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Circle': no recipe found!
8 Heated Gold Ingot (C) Anvil + Hammer 4 Gold Circle (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Ingot': no recipe found!
1 Heated Gold Band (C) Anvil + Hammer 1 Gold Band (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Band': no recipe found!
7 Heated Gold Ingot (C) Anvil + Hammer 3 Gold Band (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Ingot': no recipe found!
1 Heated Gold Edgings (C) Anvil + Hammer 1 Gold Edgings (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Edgings': no recipe found!
14 Heated Gold Ingot (C) Anvil + Hammer 7 Gold Edgings (i) Shield Making 200 Shadow and Sunshine Shield Design
'Heated Gold Ingot': no recipe found!
Standard Gem Socket (P)
1 Molten Steel (C) Anvil + Hammer 1 Standard Gem Socket (P) Blacksmith 0 Enchanting Armor +
Enchanting Heavy Shields +
Enchanting Light Shields +
Enchanting Weapons