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Fried Crayfish and Clacker Mix

Ingredient Use Tool Amount Result Skill Level Book
1 Crayfish and Clacker Mix (C) Iron Skillet 1 Fried Crayfish and Clacker Mix (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes
2 Crayfish Meat (C) +
1 Pile of Cubed Clacker Meat (C) +
1 Minced Pungent Tuber (C) +
1 Sliced Bogo Pepper (C) +
2 Dash of Ground Wyn Reed (C) +
1 Pinch of Barberry (C)
Preparation Table (combine) 1 Crayfish and Clacker Mix (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes
1 Crayfish Preparation Table + Kitchen Knife 1 Crayfish Meat (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes
1 Clacker Meat Preparation Table + Kitchen Knife 2 Pile of Cubed Clacker Meat (i) Cooking 200 Meat and Stew Recipes
1 Diced Pungent Tuber (C) Preparation Table + Kitchen Knife 1 Minced Pungent Tuber (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
1 Sliced Pungent Tuber (C) Preparation Table + Kitchen Knife 1 Diced Pungent Tuber (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
1 Pungent Tuber Preparation Table + Kitchen Knife 1 Sliced Pungent Tuber (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
1 Bogo Pepper Preparation Table + Kitchen Knife 1 Sliced Bogo Pepper (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
1 Ground Wyn Reed (C) Preparation Table + Scoop 30 Dash of Ground Wyn Reed (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
1 Wyn Reed Preparation Table + Kitchen Knife 1 Ground Wyn Reed (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes +
Meat and Stew Recipes
1 Barberry Root Mortar and Pestle 25 Pinch of Barberry (i) Cooking 200 Dishes with Fishes