The Masked Mistress
Required: Archilaya's New Recipe quest.
→ Go to Archilaya Gurpleferd
YOU: Hi Archilaya, do you have something i can help you with?
-Archilaya looks around with a mischievous smile and whispers.-
Archilaya: Yes, I have another task that requires you to act with discretion.
Archilaya: Will you help me?
YOU: nods. “Sure.”
-Archilaya looks around again before continuing.-
Archilaya: I have a secret identity I use for participating in arena events; the double dagger events held by Gregori in particular.
Archilaya: My brother is very protective and will not approve, so I have to hide it from him.
Archilaya: I need you to help me get out of the baking competition that my brother signed us up for.
Archilaya: Please go and tell Orchibaly that I have a catering job on the day and return to me with his reply.
→ Go to Orchibaly Gurpleferd
YOU: Archilaya has a catering job on the same day, so she cannot make it.
-Orchibaly appears crestfallen as he listens to your explanation.-
Orchibaly: But we make the test beam…
Orchibaly: er best team!
Orchibaly: No one could stand against our paired skills.
-Orchibaly's voice starts to fill with excitement.-
Orchibaly: With my flour and pans, and her wit and spoons, all other bakers cower at the very whisper of our names!
Orchibaly: 'The Gurpleferds are coming!' they would shout in fear.
Orchibaly: For her to miss out on the thrill of victory, something must be wrong.
Orchibaly: I must say that Archilaya has been acting suspicious since I signed us up, and has been avoiding me since I mentioned it.
Orchibaly: Tell me, is this the truth you speak?
Orchibaly: Does she really have other work to do?
Possible Ways: 2
Way 1:
-Orchibaly's disappointment is obvious as he acknowledges your words.-
Orchibaly: So Archilaya is up to her old tricks again.
Orchibaly: I knew working in the arena would be too much of a temptation for her.
Orchibaly: Baking bread just does not have the thame srill…
Orchibaly: er same thrill as playing with her blades, it seems.
Orchibaly: We must help her remember the excitement of buns and muffins!
Orchibaly: The perfect muffin is just…
-Orchibaly's eyes sparkle as he stares into the distance for a few moments.-
Orchibaly: It is beyond mere words.
-Orchibaly's eyes widen and a grin forms on his face.-
Orchibaly: I know!
Orchibaly: We can play the secrets game as well.
Orchibaly: She will no doubt try to get you to deliver her application form.
Orchibaly: Bring it to me instead and be careful not to arouse her suspicion.
Orchibaly: Tell her I say it is 'all good' for now.
Orchibaly: This is going to be so much fun! I never got to be a spy before!
→ Go to Archilaya Gurpleferd
YOU: orchibaly says all good
-Archilaya leans closer to you.-
Archilaya: Wonderful news, that means I can start preparing.
Archilaya: Can you please go to Nyshyn and tell her the Masked Mistress sent you.
Archilaya: She will hand you some daggers that you need to return to me.
→ Go to Nyshyn Klannarr
YOU: masked mistress sent me
Nyshyn: The mysterious Masked Mistress, eh?
Nyshyn: Yes I have her daggers right here.
-Nyshyn hands you a pair of well-balanced daggers.-
Nyshyn: My debt with her is now paid, may I never hear from her again.
-Nyshyn returns to her work.-
→ Go to Archilaya Gurpleferd
-Archilaya quickly conceals the daggers with the skill of a master.-
Archilaya: That was so kind of you to do this for me.
Archilaya: Please take my old daggers as a reward.
-Archilaya hands you the daggers with a mischievous grin.-
Archilaya: Now, I need your help with a final task.
Archilaya: Can you hand in my application to Gregori?
YOU: yes
-Archilaya produces the application form with a flourish of her hands.-
Archilaya: Please hand this to Gregori as I can not be seen doing it.
→ Go to Orchibaly Gurpleferd
-Orchibaly wipes his hands on his apron before taking the form from you.-
Orchibaly: The Masked Mistress? You are sure this is hers?
-Orchibaly grins in amazement.-
Orchibaly: Well I'll be the son of a soup maker.
Orchibaly: I had my suspicions she was pulling something like this, but I had no idea it was her!
Orchibaly: You might not know this, but I have attended some of these competitions.
Orchibaly: The Masked Mistress is an excellent fighter, with personality to boot.
Orchibaly: If it truly is my sister, she might be an even better gladiator than she is a baker!
Orchibaly: I am not about to try to stop her.
-Orchibaly beams with pride.-
Orchibaly: My sister, the great warrior.
Orchibaly: Our competition will be doubly afraid of us now!
Orchibaly: Please deliver her application to Gregori as she has requested.
-Orchibaly returns the application to you.-
Orchibaly: Take this reward as well, for showing me how capable my sister really is.
-Orchibaly hands you some tria.-
→ Go to Gregori Stevald
-Gregori takes the application and reads over it with a grin.-
Gregori: The Masked Mistress returns I see.
Gregori: She sure does liven up the competition and she is the second favourite to win.
-Gregori writes out a receipt and hands it to you.-
Gregori: Please return this to Archi…
Gregori: I mean the Masked Mistress.
-Gregori laughs as he turns his attention away from you.-
→ Go to Archilaya Gurpleferd
-Archilaya claps her hands in excitement, sending clouds of flour billowing through the air.-
Archilaya: Oops, almost forgot myself there.
Archilaya: Nilotha, you have done well by me.
-Archilaya puts a book in front of you.-
Archilaya: Please accept this as my thanks to you and all that you have done for me.
Way 2:
YOU: It's the truth.
-Orchibaly sighs heavily.-
Archilaya: I guess I will have to accept it then.
Archilaya: Archilaya just does not realise that by winning the baking competition we will have more business than we need, and she would not have to work so hard.
Archilaya: But you can tell her I say it is 'all good'.
→ Go to Archilaya Gurpleferd
YOU: Orchibaly says it's all good.
-Archilaya leans closer to you.-
Archilaya: Wonderful news, that means I can start preparing.
Archilaya: Can you please go to Nyshyn and tell her the Masked Mistress sent you.
Archilaya: She will hand you some daggers that you need to return to me.
→ Go to Nyshyn Klannarr
YOU: The masked Mistress sent me.
Nyshyn: The mysterious Masked Mistress, eh?
Nyshyn: Yes I have her daggers right here.
-Nyshyn hands you a pair of well-balanced daggers.-
Nyshyn: My debt with her is now paid, may I never hear from her again.
-Nyshyn returns to her work.-
→ Go to Archilaya Gurpleferd
YOU: gives Archilaya the daggers.
-Archilaya quickly conceals the daggers with the skill of a master.-
Archilaya: That was so kind of you to do this for me.
Archilaya: Please take my old daggers as a reward.
-Archilaya hands you the daggers with a mischievous grin.-
Archilaya: Now, I need your help with a final task.
Archilaya: Can you hand in my application to Gregori?
YOU: Yes I can.
-Archilaya produces the application form with a flourish of her hands.-
Archilaya: Please hand this to Gregori as I can not be seen doing it.
→ Go to Gregori Stevald
YOU: I want to submit an application on behalf of the masked Mistress.
-Gregori takes the application and reads over it with a grin.-
Gregori: The Masked Mistress returns I see.
Gregori: She sure does liven up the competition and she is the second favourite to win.
-Gregori writes out a receipt and hands it to you.-
Gregori: Please return this to Archi…
Gregori: I mean the Masked Mistress.
-Gregori laughs as he turns his attention away from you.-
→ Go to Archilaya Gurpleferd
YOU: Here is your entry pass.
-Archilaya claps her hands in excitement, sending clouds of flour billowing through the air.-
Archilaya: Oops, almost forgot myself there.
Archilaya: YOU, you have done well by me.
-Archilaya puts a book in front of you.-
Archilaya: Please accept this as my thanks to you and all that you have done for me.
Archilaya: I hear my brother has been asked to help with a fancy ballroom dance coming up in Hydlaa maybe you could go to see if he needs help.
Rewards: [Way 1] 10 Faction with Food Association, 7310 Tria, 15000 XP, [Way 2] 1 Dagger, 1 Beginner Baking, 30 Faction with Food Association, 7310 Tria, 15000 XP.