A Dirty Job for a Dirty Mercenary
Required: Nothing.
→ Go to Bordaron Arakaben
YOU: Can I help you with anything?
Bordaron Arakaben: No!
Bordaron Arakaben: Bugger off, stinking ulberfart Klyros...
Bordaron Arakaben seems to ponder a bit before grinning.
Bordaron Arakaben: Wait, I do have a job for you.
Bordaron Arakaben: It's a dirty one, but it is a job.
Bordaron Arakaben: I will give you tria for it.
Bordaron Arakaben: Interested?
YOU: Yes, a dirty low-paying job sounds good to me.
Bordaron Arakaben: Good for you, better for me.
Bordaron Arakaben: You know the youngling of a mercenary named Laranier?
Bordaron Arakaben: Anyhow, he is a nobody with laughable dreams of fame and honour.
Bordaron Arakaben: Your job is to show him that he is nothing but that.
Bordaron Arakaben: When his spirit is broken and his dream is shredded to pieces, then I will pay you.
Bordaron Arakaben: So, just get to it.
→ Go to Laranier Vieduran
YOU: Hey there clacker, you look like a wimp of huge proportions.
Laranier Vieduran: Stay away from me or I will..
Laranier Vieduran scratches his head while he measures you up.
Laranier Vieduran: Or I will break your nose in five pieces with one punch.
YOU: Bordaron told me to crush your dream of fame and honour.
Laranier Vieduran: I am not surprised at that.
Laranier Vieduran: He tells everyone he meets to do that.
Laranier Vieduran: It seems like his dream is to crush mine.
Laranier Vieduran: Maybe you would like to help me get back at him?
YOU: HA! Why not, I will help you get back at that bully.
Laranier Vieduran: Great, but I have no clue how to bully a bully of such proportions.
Laranier Vieduran: If I open my mouth when he is nearby, he just punches me right in the face.
Laranier Vieduran: Maybe you could find out something I could hold against him.
Laranier Vieduran: Something that will threaten his status as a mercenary?
→ Go to Krri Koreni
YOU: Can you tell me something about Bordaron?
Krri Koreni: He is nothing but a brute and a bully.
Krri Koreni pulls a sour face and sticks out her tongue in disgust.
Krri Koreni: I can tell you one thing, that monster should have been kicked out of the arena a long time ago.
Krri Koreni: He continues to host illegal fights both here in the arena and, I've been told down in the sewers.
Krri Koreni: I bet he makes a lot of tria on it and spends probably half to bribe off Gregori and other officials.
→ Go to Nayera Menayan
YOU: Can you tell me something about Bordaron?
Nayera Menayan: Bordaron is one of the strongest of the mercenaries in the arena.
Nayera Menayan: If you have a particularly tough job needing to be done, he is the one to talk to.
Nayera Menayan: He is not afraid to get his hands dirty, either.
Nayera Menayan: But some good advice is never to place a bet with him, as he is known to cheat and never to pay up if he loses.
Nayera Menayan: Sometimes I wonder why he still is allowed in the arena, specially after...
Nayera Menayan: Well, that is not for your ears.
→ Go to Relliom
YOU: What can you tell me about the mercenary named Bordaron?
Relliom: Why should I tell an up-nosed blimp like you anything about anyone?
YOU: Because he is a bully that needs to be bullied.
Relliom scratches the back of his head.
Relliom: There is actually one thing I would like to tell you about him.
Relliom: Bordaron usually hangs around here, arranging illegal fights.
Relliom: Too much fuss if you ask me.
Relliom: Here, take this little note as proof of his activities.
→ Go to Laranier Vieduran
YOU: Here you are Laranier, proof of Bordaron's illegal fights in the sewer.
Laranier Vieduran: Great!
Laranier Vieduran: Now I have something to shut him up with.
Laranier Vieduran: Hopefully this will put an end to his bullying.
Laranier Vieduran: Thank you so much Klyros.
Laranier Vieduran: Here, take this as a token of my gratitude.
Rewards: 10 Faction with Fighters Guild, 1297 Tria, 9400 XP.